Driving While Intoxicated or
Operating Under the Influence
If you've been charged with driving while intoxicated or operating under the influence in Lapeer County Michigan, then you are faced with serious charges. Whether this is the first time or later that you've been charged with driving while intoxicated or operating under the influence, the consequences can be severe in Michigan.
When you're faced with a situation like this, you need a DUI or OUI attorney that is skilled at defending cases of this nature. Although the State of Michigan has set minimum penalty guidelines upon conviction for DUI or OUI cases, there are instances where your case could be dismissed or you could be charged with another type of traffic violation. In either instance, you need a good DUI or OUI attorney in Lapeer that knows how to present your defense and to help assure that if you are convicted of DUI or OUI that the lightest penalties possible are imposed rather than the tough maximums available to the courts.
We are the DUI or OUI attorneys that you want to handle your case. We've handled many cases like this and are proud of our successes in the Lapeer County court system. We rate our success on the numbers of times that cases of DUI or OUI in Lapeer have been completely dismissed or in instances where severe penalties could have been imposed, yet the courts were as lenient as they could possibly be. We are able to attain our success though our knowledge of the Lapeer court system and though our determined investigate efforts surrounding the initial stop by police and all of their actions that followed.
Unless the police have reasonable suspicion to stop you while driving, they can not automatically charge anyone with DUI or OUI. They must posess reasonable suspicion prior to the stop before charging you with DUI or OUI. With the right investigative work by our Metamora Lawyers specialists, we may determine that reasonable suspicion was not there originally thereby making the DUI or OUI charges invalid. Further, police must follow strict steps and policies after your initial arrest. At times, some of the steps are not followed precisely which can render the evidence in your case useless and non admissible to the court. These things can render your case invalid and warrant a dismissal by the court.
In cases where a judge would often "throw the book at a DUI or OUI driver" upon conviction, we are often able to work with prosecutors and the courts to offer a more lenient sentence. In cases where jail time could be imposed, we can sometimes work to have sentencing reduced to community service time or at other times, probation. For many individuals, jail time would impose harsh penalties upon their families and sometimes even on their employers. With our efforts as DUI or OUI attorney's in Lapeer, we able often able to show the court how and why harsh sentencing could cause additional problems for many people.
In some cases the court will review your DUI or OUI charges with our DUI or OUI attorney's and work with us to reduce the charges leveled against an individual. At times, the charge of DUI or OUI will not appear on your driving record at all. This can be very beneficial to you as a charge of DUI or OUI in Lapeer carries with it high insurance rates for the future along with many other fees and inconveniences.
Hiring our team of DUI or OUI attorneys in Lapeer County Michigan can have a tremendous impact on the final outcome of your case. Do you want to leave your DUI or OUI charges in the hands of just any attorney or would it be in your best interests to hire a DUI or OUI attorney in Lapeer that can make a positive difference for you and your future?
Contact our DUI or OUI attorney specialsts in Lapeer now.